
The “13th Workshop on Phonosurgery” which was held from 23-25 August 2019 at Bombay Hospital and KEM Hospital. It was attended by close to 200 delegates from India and Abroad. Dr. Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar was the Course Director of this Annual Phonosurgery Workshop.

Prof Jean Paul Marie was the key faculty with the focus this year on ‘Laryngeal Reinnervation”. Dr. Nupur Nerurkar performed live Surgeries such as vocal fold Polyp Laser Excision, RRP fiber laser excision, Vocal fold Keratosis laser excision, Kashima surgery & Thyroplasty under Local anaesthesia.

Dr. Jean Paul Marie and Dr. Rakesh Katna performed nonselective laryngeal Reinnervation with Dr. Nupur Nerurkar performing Thyroplasty with arytenoid adduction on the same patient. Dr. Jayakumar Menon conducted the Dysphagia Panel and Workshop.

The Lectures, Panel, Dysphagia and Stroboscopy Workshops, Surgeries with 4K-transmission at Bombay Hospital and cadaver program in KEM Hospital has received an extremely positive response, especially the selective Laryngeal Reinnervation Cadaver Dissection demonstrated by Prof. Marie on a fresh frozen cadaver for the first time in India by him. The Hands on Cadaver Laryngeal framework surgery was successfully conducted on the third day.

The Dr. M.V. Kirtane Poster Award Session had 14 posters that were selected and which were of a high standard and greatly appreciated by the audience. The former Laryngology fellows trained in Bombay Hospital also conducted some of the scientific program such as cross fire and just- a –minute very successfully.

The 14th Workshop on Phonosurgery shall be held from 11-13 September 2020 with Prof. Markus Hess from Hamburg, Germany at the Key International Faculty. The Focus next year is “Innovations in Laryngology”. Dr. Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar will be the Course Director.

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