
Ginde Oration-July 2019

The 26th Ginde Oration was held on 6th July 2019 at the recently renovated S. P. Jain Auditorium of Bombay Hospital. The event was a runaway success with approximately 175 attendees. A feast of academic lectures pertaining to ‘Hydrocephalus” were served through the day. The Oration this year was delivered by Dr. Giuseppe Cinalli (Head of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Santobono – Pausilipon hospital of Naples, Italy), who is also the President of International Federation of Neuroendoscopy (IFNE). The Honourable Chairman, Shri Bharat Taparia felicitated the Ginde Orator and was joined by the Medical Director Dr. R.V. Patil, Dean Dr. S. V. Khadilkar and Head Of Neurosurgery Dr. C. E. Deopujari in welcoming the numerous National & International Faculties.

Bombay Hospital also hosted the 1st Neurosurgery Department Alumni gathering at this Institute. This event was a celebration of 25 years of passing out of neurosurgical trainees at Bombay Hospital and was attended by more than 50 of our alumnis who have now become stalwarts in the field of Neurosurgery. Honourable Chairman Shri Bharat Taparia along with Dr. R. V. Patil & Dr. S. V. Khadilkar felicitated each alumnus with a personalized memento of appreciation. The 2 days ended with everyone cherishing memories of a lifetime.

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