
17th Phonosurgery Conference

The 17th workshop on Phonosurgery and the 2nd meeting of the International Association of TransVoice Surgeons ( IATVS ) was held from 3-5 November 2023 by the Bombay Hospital Voice &Swallowing Center. The meeting received a very positive feedback from the entire faculty as well as the delegates.

We had over 200 Faculty and delegates from USA, UK, Germany, Finland, Turkey,South Korea, Brazil, Egypt, Kenya, Cypress,Kazakhstan and Bangladesh, besides all over India, who attended the conference and the live surgeries including the first time ever in India transvoice glottoplasty surgery demonstration. The stroboscopy, Laser and framework workshop, all academic deliberations as well as the oration were a huge success . The inaugural “ Dr M V Kirtane Oration” was delivered by Professor Markus Hess.

Course Director- Dr Nupur Kapoor Nerurkar

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