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To render the same level of service to the poor that the rich will get in a good hospital.


A Patient is the most important person in our hospital. He is not an interruption to our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our hospital, he is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him, he is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.


Bombay Hospital shall provide the best possible medical treatment, delivered most efficiently, in the shortest possible time, at minimum cost, to all sections of the society, irrespective of caste, creed or religion.

Chairman's Message

Charity and the pursuit of excellence are the two fundamental ideals that provide us impetus to focus on the well being of the patient who is our primary responsibility.
We have an obligation to provide the best possible treatment, delivered most efficiently, in the shortest possible time span and at minimum cost.

On this bedrock of charity we are relentlessly building the bedrock of excellence in the hospital by continuously refurbishing its spaces, installing the most modern medical equipments and injecting professionalism and dedication in our management team, so that our world class doctors can discharge their duties and responsibilities in an academically stimulating and hassle-free environment.


Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Centre


As Per the Latest 5th Edition Standards, we are now -

Fully NABH accredited

Mumbai, the centre for quality medical care not only across India, but also the South Asia. A city that has a rich medical history. Situated in South Mumbai is the Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Centre, the medical hub of India’s biggest metropolis.

Established over seven decades ago, in 1952, The Bombay Hospital was the result of the enormous philanthropy displayed by Shri Rameshwardas Birla, Founder Chairman of the Bombay Hospital Trust. It began as a 440 bed hospital whose objective was, in its founder’s words, “to render the same level of service to the poor that the rich would get in a good hospital.”

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Bombay Hospital Institute
Of Medical Sciences
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Bombay Hospital College Of Nursing

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